All materials contained in this blog are protected by copyright laws, and may not be reproduced, republished, distributed, transmitted, displayed, broadcast
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From last year's SURFING WITH SMILES. Join us this coming Thursday June 30th, 2022 from 5-7PM
at 12th street at North Beach (THE WALL) for the first Summer of 2022's SURFING WITH SMILES!



June 26th, 2022 The RUN is 3 out of 3 Weeks.
Waist high or better at least once a week.

There were waist to shoulder high waves on 6-24-22.
And Head high to overhead waves on 6-25-22


Send your SURF Pics to me directly to
Need photos by 10 AM on Saturdays. Seriously.
By 10AM. Make sure they are 1300 to 1555 pixels wide.
If you have more than 10 pics please use it's free up to 2 gig. Please DO NOT send me over 10 pics without first contacting and communicating with me.
Thank you.

Click on Archives link to see all the past Blogs
and pics.

Plus The First Summer Swell of 2022!


STAN BOCKO age 74 from Rye, New Hampshire
Let me start this latest LOCAL LEGENDS series off by saying right up front that, Stan Bocko is one of the nicest human beings I have ever had the pleasure of knowing. And I’ve known Stan for most of his 74 years on the planet. In fact, we’re closing in on 50 years of our friendship. That’s a longtime to know someone. But for those of you who don’t know Stan, let me give you some background on Stan.

Stan has been married to Mindy (Fuller) Bocko since 1973. Next year will be their 50th Wedding anniversary. They have two adult children Joel, born in 1983 and Amber born in 1987. Amber is married to James Bebeau (a 13 yr ARMY vet who served in the GWOT) and they have a son Sawyer. Suffice it to say, that both Stan and Mindy love their children and son-in-law James, and they absolutely adore their grandson. *There are two future LOCAL LEGENDS in this Wedding photo. Pat Hogan and Dickie Byrne.

And like most surf families. They all surf. Little Sawyer is still a toddler, so he’s not actually gone surfing just yet, but my guess is, it’s only a matter of time before he becomes a member of our tribe. I mean lets face it, if you’re born into this lifestyle, chances are you’re going to at the very least, spend a great deal of time around the ocean and the beaches. But that’s in the future. This month’s LOCAL LEGEND story is mostly about the past and the present, with a hint of the future. So let’s get started here.

Like most surfers in the 60’s, Stan saw surfing for the first time on TV. To be more exact, it was a Disney show. Some Disney Character went surfing on his Black and white TV, and caught Stan’s attention. He thought it looked cool and wanted to try it. This would have been in the early 60’s. But it would be a few years, before he and his friends actually tried it on their own.

The year was 1966 when Stanley finally tried surfing for the first time. And unlike most NH surfers, Stan’s first attempt was at Salisbury Beach. He and his childhood friend Johnny Anotelli tried surfing for the first time in the shorebreak at Salisbury Beach. And like all beginner surfers, they were basically Kooks. Or, as they were called back then, “Gremmies”. But they both basically mean the same. In other words, they didn’t know very much about surfing. They didn’t know how to surf, or where the best waves were, or about the surfboard itself. Stan even confessed to me, that when he and his buddy Johnny first started surfing, they were unsure of where to apply the surfboard wax. Thinking it was much like skiing, they thought, “the surf wax should go on the bottom of the board. After all, skiers put wax on the bottom of their skis to go faster. Well, that obviously didn’t work out too well. Thankfully, that was short lived.

That first attempt at surfing was disastrous. They never caught any waves (slipping off the board with no wax didn’t help.) Stan went to Florida shortly after thinking he could learn to surf down in the warmer climates. Nope. That didn’t work out either. Keep in mind, surfing back in those days was hard. There were no videos or movies to watch. You had to basically watch the kids who had been doing it longer than you and your friends. Or try and figure it out by looking at the surf magazines. And let’s face it, that’s not easy to do.

When Stan came back home, he and his late brother John with Robbie Wilson met some kids on the beach in Salisbury and they suggested they try surfing at Seabrook beach. And it was there that Stan caught his first wave, and actually paralleled along on a wave, and felt that all to familiar sensation that so many of us have felt for the first time, and well, after that day, there was no turning back. Stan was all in as was his brother John.  In 1967 Stan bought his first real surfboard, a Greg Noll longboard. Now having a real board, (and knowing where to apply the wax) he started to branch out in the local surf community. He met Dickie Byrne, Pat Hogan, Paul Hamblet, Eddie Cannare, Steve Clark, Michael Van Doren, Steve “Surfer Crow” Watson, and a handful of others here in New Hampshire and Southern Maine. Stan was off and running in the Rye surf scene.

Stan also became a member of the semi secret Drakes Island Surf Club. 

Those days were magical for anyone who was into surfing. Surfing the beaches and point breaks in those early days were just magical. And yet, something even more magical than surfing  happened to Stan. He met the girl of his dreams. The beautiful blonde, “Surfer Girl” Mindy Fuller. Talk about a storybook romance. Looking at the photos of Stan and Mindy back in those days, they were both straight out of a Hollywood movie set. They were such an attractive looking couple. They both loved the ocean and surfing. And, as if that wasn’t magical enough, Mindy also loved taking photos. Especially of surfing, and her man Stan. 90% of the photos you see here of Stan were taken by Mindy. *I can certainly relate to them. Back when I was dating Cory she too took so many photos of me and my friends surfing. But that’s for another story.

But as far as Stan and Mindy? Love is very real with the two of them. And in this day and age it’s so inspiring to see such a long lasting loving relationship. I love them both.

Stan’s surfing lifestyle had taken him and Mindy to some of the coolest surf destinations. From the Bay of Fundy in New Brunswick in 1968, to the tropical Caribbean Islands of Puerto Rico just a few months after the infamous World Contest in 1968, that was held at Maria's in Rincon, to Barbados and beyond. Stan has surfed extensively in California, Mexico, and the Mecca of surfing, Kauai Hawaii. It was on the island of Kauai where he had one of the worse surfing nightmares of his life, clinging to the side of a cliff while Lenny Nichols and Kevin Grondin had to assist him back to safety. But his worse wipeout was back here at Linky’s where he had a two wave hold down during a big winter swell.

When I asked him where, what, and when was the biggest surf he’d ever surfed, without hesitation, he said Ruggles in Newport RI the summer of 1995. That swell was well documented and indeed there were some 20’ plus sets that rolled into Ruggles that week. I was there for some of it, and to quote Kevin “Doc” Grondin he was calling some of those set waves 25’.
So yeah it was legit. 

I had the pleasure of surfing with Stan at the wonderful Hollister Ranch in California one year. Along with ex Southern Mainer, Ron Freeman, Charlie Daley, Brad Henderson, and another local legend, Paul Hamblet. That was such a dream trip for all of us. We had so much fun on that trip.
Photo by Jeff Chamberlain. So was Stan a great surfer?  Not really. Few people I know are great surfers. But he was more than capable of holding his own back in the day. And I have seen him drop into his fair share of bombs out there. But one thing is for sure, he was, and still is today, stoked on surfing. In other words, Stan is the REAL DEAL.    

One of the interesting things about Stan that most of you might not know is, he’s an actor and a model. It's true. He's the real deal actor/model. He caught the acting bug at an early age. Like surfing, he became obsessed with it. He finally pursued his acting dream by taking acting classes in 1981. He was motivated to learn and study more and as a result of that passion, he became a professional actor. He has appeared in hundreds of print ads and in both magazines and newspapers as well as product merchandise re: Cornflakes box, Dunkin Donuts, and he has appeared in dozens of movies. Which movies? Well for starters he had roles in MERMAIDS and AMISTAD and had a longstanding character role in SPENCER FOR HIRE.

But my favorite role that he played, that was unlike anyone prior, or after, is his incredible adaptation of PIRATE JONAS, at the annual SURF FAMILY ROBINSON Beach party that I ran for 25 years.

Every labor day weekend on the Seacoast Stan would come dressed as a Pirate and basically scare the daylights out of small children who ran in terror when he went through his acting routine with me on the beach. He may have scared a handful of those kids, but to all the other kids and ALL the adults present, he had created a lifetime of memories with his hilarious, but realistic portrayal as PIRATE JONAS.

Let me be perfectly clear here. Johnny Depp has nothing on Stan Bocko
and his role, as that nastiest, the stinkiest, most despicable pirate who ever sailed the seven Seas, STINKY PIRATE JONAS.

My friends, there is only one Stan Bocko. So, if you see Stan out in the lineup during one of these swells, let him have a wave. He’s certainly earned it. LONG LIVE Pirate Jonas, and SURF FAMILY ROBINSON! And May Stan Bocko and his family live a long, healthy, and happy life. 

Please check out the gallery of photos of Stan Bocko surfing, family, and other pics down in the photo section.     



This is a pic of me from October of 2008. It was just me and Tony Berardini out that day. It was one of the best sessions I have ever had there. And of course, Ed was there to capture the moment.
Photo by Ed O'Connell
*Click the photo above to see a larger version of Ed's Pic.

The Art Of Surfing Exhibit ends this coming Thursday June 30th, 2022. I'll be taking down all my photos, paintings, and graphic design images this Thursday.

Thank you to all who went to the LANE MEMORIAL LIBRARY on 2 Academy Ave in Hampton, NH to See my exhibit. I appreciate you taking the time to see it. CLICK ON THE IMAGE ABOVE TO SEE A LARGER VERSION .

One Of The BEST Events of the Summer starts this coming Thursday June 30th, 2022! The FIRST SURFING WITH SMILES.
Thanks to the Timmy Sheridan GoFund Me Fundraiser they were able to DONATE $12,000 to SURFING WITH SMILES!

Please Donate to this Timmy Sheridan GO FUND ME page.

*Please click on the image above to read more and to make a donation to this GoFund Me page in memory of Timmy Sheridan. This GO FUND ME page ends June 30th, 2022.

Here's something that's completely stress free. The annual JIMMY DUNN HBCF. Woo hoo! Click on the ad to purchase tickets. Trust me, these tickets will be going fast.

The 14th Annual HIT THE BEACH EVENT is on schedule this year for Friday August 26th, 2022. So mark your calendars.

Dan Lanio Memorial Scholarship Fund



It is with heavy hearts that the people at THE CURE STATS NOW announced the passing of DIPG warrior Evan Austin aged 8.

Evan was a loving friend, an amazing brother and adored by his family. He loved Star Wars, baseball, and superheroes.
He was known to spread joy to everyone around him and will be missed by many. This news really hurts the Hampton Community. On a personal note; my heart goes out to the family of Super Evan Austin. I truly hope and pray, that they find a cure for this disease. This is the second child and family, that I was aware of locally that this disease has affected a whole community.
DIPG has once again taken the life, of another beautiful child.

There needs to be a cure. And it needs to come quick.

Please help us send thoughts and prayers to the his family and our Southern New Hampshire Chapter.

To learn more about Evan and his journey visit

KSM Photoshop of the Week
This is a rare photo of Khaliddy when he was a baby terrorist. Rumor has it that KSM's mother wanted to get an abortion when she found out she was pregnant by the neighborhood goat herder/rapist/criminal, but the Taliban and Al Qeada forbid her to do so. Going so far as to threaten her with death, and or imprisonment. If there ever was a case for Pro Choice this certainly
fits the bill. I mean, she does not look happy here.

And so my friends, please take advantage of this weekly photo shop of the mastermind who planned 9-11 and resulted in the deaths of 3,000 innocent civilians by KSM (Khalid Sheik Mohammed).
*Note to self -must pick up a case of Home Pregnancy kits at
Home Depot This Week.

REST IN PEACE Dick Brewer Hawaiian Shaper
GREAT NEWS local surfer Mike Keefe actually got to surf this week. He told me he was out in the water for 3 hours! He's still going to need our thoughts and prayers in the next few months
when he starts treatments. So hang in there Mike!
More GREAT NEWS local Surfer/Musician Pete Kowalski also got to surf last week. And again, Pete is not out of the woods just yet, but these are all encouraging signs. What's my mantra boys? SURFING HEALS ALL WOUNDS!
And Please Keep local surfer Bill M. In your thoughts and prayers.
HAPPY BIRTHDAY Mike Stanek June 27th, 2022!
HAPPY BIRTHDAY Cory Fatello June 30th, 2022!

HAPPY BIRTHDAY Dave "CROP" Cropper June 30th, 2022!
HAPPY BIRTHDAY Kyle Linseman June 30th, 2022!
HAPPY BIRTHDAY Mike Sidebottom June 30th, 2022!
HAPPY BIRTHDAY Mike Tyson June 30th, 2022!

HAPPY BIRTHDAY Kevin "DOC" Grondin June 23rd, 2022
PLEASE keep Kim Grondin in your thoughts and prayers this week. She's doing fine, but she could use a few extra prayers.
Please Support ALL The photographers who contribute to
Ralph's Pic Of The Week every
week for the last 18 years.
** BUY
a HIGH RES Photo from any of the weeks on RPOTW.

Remember my friends... Surfing Heals All Wounds
Pray for Surf. Pray for Peace. Surf For Fun.






(Below) I'm pretty sure I ran this pic before, but with this month's LOCAL LEGEND story on Stan Bocko it warranted another go around. There's some heavy hitters in this pic. They went to PR shortly after the World Contest was held in PR in 1968. I remember watching that on TV. Fred Hemmings won that contest. It was pretty damn good as far as surf contests go. You should Google it. World Surf Contest 1968 at Maria's in Rincon PR. Pretty cool.
Photo courtesy of Stan Bocko

I kept a daily Blog on my CATCH A WAVE FOR MOLLY surf campaign, when I surfed every single day for 365 consecutive days. Click on the Banner above to read entries of my daily journey. There's some really interesting and true experiences
that happened during that year. Some of which are to this day, unexplainable. Some are just mind blowing. But all true.

I started on July 26th, 2010 and ended on July 26th, 2011.

Some rainy Sunday, pour yourself a cup and go through the journal. Pay close attention to the month of May in 2011. Read that month and let me know what you think of that. Be forewarned it will change you forever.

*Click on the photo above to see the large version of this pic.

To contact the advertisers below, simply click on the Ad itself. Anyone wishing to find out info about advertising here can do so by emailing me directly by clicking here. Ralph's Email I'll send you a template and other info on how you can become a paid sponsor

We highly recommend the various businesses and artists listed below. Why? Well simply put, each and every one of them is a Surfer, who lives the Surfing Lifestyle, and their business is a reflection of that lifestyle that we all love.

All PHOTOS BELOW SHOT THIS WEEK *Unless otherwise noted.  

June 26th, 2022.
Photos by Mindy Bocko


This is clearly a tube ride. Stan Bocko. Photo by Jack Kane
*Click on the photo above to see the whole gallery

(Above) Stan trunking it down in Boca de Apiza, Michoacan/Colima border
in Mexico.
Photo by Mindy Bocko
*Click on the photo above to see the whole gallery

(Above) Stan Bocko in Black and white photo backing into a really nice looking left. Photo by Mindy Bocko
*Click on the photo above to see the whole gallery

(Above) Stan Bocko in the tropics. Photo by Mindy Bocko
*Click on the photo above to see the whole gallery


Click on the ad above to see the Menu and other
important info on their Somerville restaurant


(Above) This is another great looking wave and ride. Stan Bocko.
Photo by Mindy Bocko
*Click on the photo above to see the whole gallery

(Above) When I first saw this pic I said "You didn't make this wave." But Stanley quickly pointed out that he did. Stan Bocko. Photo by Mindy Bocko
*Click on the photo above to see the whole gallery

(Above) This had to have been a cold winter day day here in NH.
Stan Bocko
. Photo by Mindy Bocko
*Click on the photo above to see the whole gallery



Clark Little's new book
Click on the ad for more info.


Click on the ad above to find out more about
more about Stan Chew's art


(Above) A big day at (you know where). Stan Bocko.
Photo by Mindy Bocko
*Click on the photo above to see the whole gallery

(Above) The coolest thing about Stan is he has hundreds of photos.
Photo by Mindy Bocko
*Click on the photo above to see the whole gallery

(Above) Be sure to check out the whole gallery of pics of Stan Bocko.
Photo by Mindy Bocko
*Click on the photo above to see the whole gallery

June 25th, 2022.
Photos by RALPH

(Above) This is Braeden Logue on a beautiful wave.
The FIRST SUMMER SWELL Saturday June 25th, 2022.

Photo by RALPH
*Click on the photo above to see the whole gallery

(Above) This is the same wave a couple of frames later.
Braeden Logue The FIRST SUMMER SWELL Saturday June 25th, 2022.

Photo by RALPH
*Click on the photo above to see the whole gallery



Click on the ad above to find out more about
NH2o's cool selection of product

If you love the Beatles and you love the guitar
click on this ad above for a great band.


The BEST guitar tech on the planet.

(Above) This is Benjamin Carboni screaming into this inside section.
The FIRST SUMMER SWELL Saturday June 25th, 2022.

Photo by RALPH
*Click on the photo above to see the whole gallery

(Above) This is SUGAR SHAYNE on a heaving left.
The FIRST SUMMER SWELL Saturday June 25th, 2022.

Photo by RALPH
*Click on the photo above to see the whole gallery

(Above) Braeden Logue riding Kevin Grondin's old board. No wonder
his surfing just got better. The FIRST SUMMER SWELL
Saturday June 25th, 2022.
Photo by RALPH
*Click on the photo above to see the whole gallery

(Above) Speaking of the devil, Kevin "DOC" Grondin in his 66th year.
The FIRST SUMMER SWELL Saturday June 25th, 2022.

Photo by RALPH
*Click on the photo above to see the whole gallery

(Above) Birthday Boy Kevin "DOC" Grondin. Celebrating 66 years with style.
The FIRST SUMMER SWELL Saturday June 25th, 2022.

Photo by RALPH
*Click on the photo above to see the whole gallery

(Above) Brian Taber on a beautiful left at the Wall yesterday morning.
The FIRST SUMMER SWELL Saturday June 25th, 2022.

Photo by RALPH
*Click on the photo above to see the whole gallery

(Above) Kody Grondin's smooth slice on the FIRST SUMMER SWELL Saturday June 25th, 2022. Photo by RALPH
*Click on the photo above to see the whole gallery

(Above) Cam MacLeod 1st SUMMER SWELL Saturday June 25th, 2022.
Photo by RALPH
*Click on the photo above to see the whole gallery

(Above) One of my favorite Goofy Foot's to shoot. Jesse Gould.
The FIRST SUMMER SWELL Saturday June 25th, 2022.

Photo by RALPH
*Click on the photo above to see the whole gallery

(Above) Lest we lose sight on what this is really all about.
The FIRST SUMMER SWELL Saturday June 25th, 2022.

Photo by RALPH
*Click on the photo above to see the whole gallery

(Above) This is how you nurse a knee injury. Mackey V
The FIRST SUMMER SWELL Saturday June 25th, 2022.

Photo by RALPH
*Click on the photo above to see the whole gallery

(Above) Mike Stanek slightly overdressed, but never under prepared.
The FIRST SUMMER SWELL Saturday June 25th, 2022.

Photo by RALPH
*Click on the photo above to see the whole gallery

(Above) This guy was picking all the lefts off out there. Brian BMO Morse.
The FIRST SUMMER SWELL Saturday June 25th, 2022.

Photo by RALPH
*Click on the photo above to see the whole gallery

June 25th, 2022.
Photos by Dina Crawford

(Above) The waves always seem greener down there.
Saturday June 25th, 2022. Photo by Dina Crawford
*Click on the photo above to see the whole gallery

(Above) And they look warmer too. Saturday June 25th, 2022.
Photo by Dina Crawford
*Click on the photo above to see the whole gallery

(Above) Warmer water means more playful. Just ask this guy.
Saturday June 25th, 2022. Photo by Dina Crawford
*Click on the photo above to see the whole gallery

(Above) The look on his face tells the whole story.
Saturday June 25th, 2022. Photo by Dina Crawford
*Click on the photo above to see the whole gallery

(Above) But this? Oh this tells us all we need to know.
Saturday June 25th, 2022. Photo by Dina Crawford
*Click on the photo above to see the whole gallery

Send your SURF Pics to me directly to
Need photos by 10 AM on Saturdays. Seriously. By 10AM. 
Make sure they are 1300 pixels wide. If you have more than 10 pics please use it's free up to 2 gig. Please don't send me over 50 pics without first contacting and communicating with me.
Thank you.

Click on Archives link to see all the past Blogs and pics.

(Above) This pic of Max Fatello was taken later on Saturday June 25th, 2022 at the Wall. Photo by Erica Nardone *Click on the photo above to see the whole gallery

(Above) Lenny Nichols body surfing on Kauai in 1975.
Photo by Mindy Bocko *Click on the photo above to see the whole gallery

CLICK ON THE PLAY BUTTON on each clip to view videos

MAMA'S DAY 2022.mp4 from SURF FREE OR DIE on Vimeo.

From Sunday May 8th to Friday May 13th, 2022. Five days of overhead waves. Seriously, 5 days worth. It never really cleaned up, but surfing overhead surf in May? Nobody was about to complain. The whole Mother's Day theme was carried along with the soundtrack. I used my own music that I wrote and recorded from the mid 70's.
The VINNY Band was a popular Boston/New England band in the 70's-80's. These songs? They crack me up. There's nothing about them that sounds like surf music to me. But that's what makes it so funny. It kind of does fit the vibe. Three of these songs were produced by the super talented Steve Sadler. 

The highlights? Billy Leibundgut's drone footage adds to the overall vibe. And my favorite? The version of my song MAMA MIA by Steve Sadler is brilliant. And PLEASE try and watch to the very end where some of the boys wish their moms a Happy Mother's Day. It's all good.
As always, I hope you enjoy it. All 25 minutes of it. Watch in 1080 or higher


Wednesday April 27th, 2022 was a WILD and WINDY day. The swell filled in from late morning until dark. The locals that were around, scored some fun waves. This has been a pretty good Spring so far.
Music is by the Adobe Library.


The surf reports all had their Purple Bars indicating Large surf and a few were in the RED. Oh hell yeah, it was on, and the night of the 18th, the winds began to howl. Howling for it's darling. By morning it was gusting 50 to 60 mph straight out of the east and southeast. While some were calling it a Nor'easter, it was not. This was a SOU'EASTER. And on April 19th & 20th, 2022 the Northeast were getting it with both barrels. The only real Nor'easter involved with this swell, was my band, The NOR'EASTERS.

You say Nor'easter I say Sou'easter. One thing's for sure, it was a POST EASTER SWELL that had all the points and reefs firing on Day I. And the beaches lit up on Day II. So, here it is. Two days of non stop action with a rocking all original soundtrack by The NOR'EASTERS. Enjoy it. Oh by the way, it's 18 minutes long. I know, the horror of having to sit through a surf video
that's longer than 30 seconds sounds like torture to some of you. I say "Suck it up butter cup!" I promise you all, that Facebook and Instagram will still be there after you watch this. Shot in 4K so watch in 1080 or higher. facebook/noreasters1988

GO SLO GO PRO 15 Years with the Go Pro.mp4
from SURF FREE OR DIE on Vimeo.

THIS MIGHT BE BORING to some of you. It's 15 years of Go Pro footage that I've shot using the Hero II, III, and V. It's just under 30 minutes in length and 90% of the footage is slow motion (hence the boring comment). Truth be told, you have to use Slow Motion when editing water footage. It just happens too fast otherwise. And you lose the detail and beauty of the waves themselves. I have always been fascinated with the mechanics of a wave. How they form and break, and of course, the pure stunning beauty of the empty hollow wave. This is not Pipe or Chopes. And it's NOT New Jersey. Far from out it.
It's mostly fun sized waves being surfed by local surfers. My biggest regret is I didn't capture all of my friends. It's 15 years worth. And while I love being in the water shooting, my best footage has always been shot on dry land.
In my honest opinion, you can't beat these little cameras. They shoot great HD quality video and they are fun to use. Music is by the Adobe library and the Free YouTube music. Links are:

SPRING EQUINOX 2022.mp4 from SURF FREE OR DIE on Vimeo.

Spring Equinox. The first day of Spring, March 20th, 2022. Followed by another Spring swell on March 26th, 2022 and then the big swell. April 8th, 2022. The day my 4th grandchild was born. Her name is "Malia" and it means
"Of The Sea." The music is by my two bands The VINNY Band and The NOR'EASTERS. The first song is called The WHIFF and the last song is called UPSIDE DOWN.
Both songs were produced by The CARS Drummer David Robinson. 

The whole video is under 10 minutes. I know that seems like an eternity to some of you younger folks. But I don't care. I have said this before, and I'll say it again. I make surf movies, not Tik Tok clips.

from SURF FREE OR DIE on Vimeo.

The fourth consecutive winter storm video that I shot and edited in January of 2022. This one was named KENAN. It was also known as a Bomb-O-Genesis, or Bomb Cyclone, or a Big Ole Nasty Nor'easter. We got over 2' of snow with high winds. The surf never got really huge, but it was big enough to warrant me shooting.

The music is written and performed by J. Ciarmataro

Winter Storm IZZY January 17th & 18th, 2022.mp4
from SURF FREE OR DIE on Vimeo.

This was shot as it happened. Day by day, hour by hour. In the exact sequence. Not a single frame of slow motion. I make no excuses for its
length. 13 minutes long. Look, I make surf movies, not surf commercials or
Tik Tok videos.

The music is by my super talented nephew J. Ciarmataro.

Check his music out at

Of Sun, Sea, And Smoke.mp4 from
on Vimeo.

Saturday January 15th, 2022. One of the coldest days that I can remember
(and I've been around this block of ice a few times).
Single digits, with a windchill factor way below zero.
I got Frost Nip on my fingers. Took me hours to get some life back in them.
But having said that, the local crew were out and making it one of the
most dramatic videos I've ever shot.
I'm still cold just thinking about it

SNOW DAY With Jon Kiskinis 1-7-22.mp4
from SURF FREE OR DIE on Vimeo. I shot this video of Jon Kiskinis at The WALL in Hampton, NH during the Snow Storm on January 7th, 2022. This has been done before. Hell I've made my share of "Snow Storm" videos. But if you've never seen one before, here's your chance.
Best Of Luck at SURFLINE Jon!

Nicaragua from Brayden Rudert on Vimeo.

Always happy to share Brayden Rudert's videos here. This is one he shot and edited from his trip to Nica last summer. This edit features a handful of local Hampton locals. Kody Grondin, Matt Colby, Mikel Evans, and Max Fatello. The video is cool and so is the music. And boy couldn't we all use warm tropical water.

DECEMBER 9th 2021.mp4

This is clearly a sign of the times we live in. I shot this footage the morning of 12-9-21, and did the edit the same afternoon. And less than 9 hours later, I finished the edit and posted it on social media.
This would have taken me weeks to finish back in the day when I was
shooting in Super 8mm.
Music is by the Adobe Music library. They have a great selection.
Watch in 1080 or higher. I shot this in 4K.

SURFER'S PADDLE For Greg Smith from SURF FREE OR DIE on Vimeo.

The traditional Surfer's Paddle for Legendary NH Surfer/Skier Greg Smith 
on October 24th, 2021 at The Rocks. This was one of the Top 5 Paddles I've ever been involved in. Greg Smith was a true legend. The video is long compared to most edits, but to hear the true Greg Smith stories is worth it. Thank you to all who helped out in the paddle. From the photographers, to those who spoke, and to those who came to pay their respects to a true New Hampshire legend. Special thanks to the Grondins for hosting the after hours gathering. Keep Paddling Greg. Keep Paddling Brother. "A Hui Hou."

Please donate to Greg's daughter Sofia Smith Go Fund Me Scholarship Fund.
Video and edit by Ralph G. Fatello
Additional video Cory B. Fatello
Drone footage by Martha Lardent
Music by QWILL

HIT THE BEACH 8-27-21.mp4 from SURF FREE OR DIE on Vimeo.

The 13th Annual HIT THE BEACH. August 27th, 2021.
After being canceled the year before due to COVID 19 the HTB event
was on this year. Although the surf was not that big, it was enough to
run the event. And run it we did, and it was great!
Thank You to All the participants and all the Sponsors.
But a HUGE Thank you to ALL The Volunteers. You guys Rock!
In Loving Memory of the Brave Americans who lost their lives in
Afghanistan the day before.
Watch in 1080 or higher (I shot in 4K)
Video and edit by Ralph G. Fatello
Additional video by Max Fatello and Jay McCarthy
Drone footage by Martha Lardent
Music by SEMPER FI
Song "AMERICA" written by Ralph Fatello
produced by David Robinson

A Best Of RPOTW The Last 5 years, or something like that.
Song "Mirrors" by QWILL

This is the updated trailer with additional footage from PAX. The named storms of Winter 2013-2014 are featured in this impressive winter season of snow, surf, and freezing temps. The local surfers here in New England have been charging all winter. Look for Weston Rogers, Jesse Gould, Max Fatello, Joel Feid, Lenny and Kai Nichols, Johnny and Perry Reynolds, Steve O'Hara and a host of others. The music for this clip is Robin Trower.

(Above) ALL RISE: The 10th Street District Court Of Surf is Now in Session.
The Honorable Judge RALPH presiding. CASE #680
BLATANT DROP IN OF THE WEEK- Click the image above to see the outcome of this Surf Crime and the Verdict that was rendered.
Photo by RALPH * Click on the photo above to see the OUTCOME.



* Looks like waves Sunday and Monday

This is my pick of the week. Today, Sunday June 26th, 2022




Because the newer version of DREAMWEAVER no longer has a Rollover feature I will simply place both BEFORE and AFTER images side by side. This is what happens when you get caught doing something stupid.

Photo by RALPH
Photoshop by RALPH


June 26th, 2022 "How to get ahead in your surfing."

(Above) This is more of an optical illusion than what it looks like.
That's me surfing and a young Jared Veltsos in the foreground.
Winter 2003 in Costa Rica. Photo by Cory Fatello



Click on wave to return to the top

This site and blog maintained
by ADLANTIC. 2022




*Tony and Jimmy do a hilarious Podcast called TWO BOSTON GUYS WHACK UP A PIE. Click on the image above to hear some of this insanity.

Nat Healy has some really cool stuff here.
Stop int at 72 High Street, Hampton, NH directly
across from the AMERICAN LEGION Post 35.
And PLEASE tell her that I said hello.



Several weeks ago I posted about Sam George
and his new venture. If you like great writing with wit,
humor, and an incredible legitimate insight to
everything that is surfing, you will LOVE
Sam George's new venture.
His stories are the best.


*I urge you all to sign up to get these important
and entertaining stories of our world.
Besides, it's FREE. Trust me it's worth it.





Click on the ad above to find out more about
this unique NEW business.

Click on the ad above to hear My Podcast
with Host Chase Rosa

Click on Jimmy above to see his website
and other wicked important JD info

Click on the image above to purchase
Shaun Tomson's new book.




Click on image above to see more of Donna's work



Visit our facebook page.

Visit our Facebook Page



Click on the image above to visit




check out the amazing sounds and songs of qwill
click on this image to see and hear the man who's
music I use more than 90% of the time in my videos









Great new book by Paul Theroux.
Click on the image to buy a copy.

Several months ago I posted about Sam George
and his new venture. If you like great writing with wit,
humor, and an incredible legitimate insight to
everything that is surfing, you will LOVE
Sam George's new venture.
His stories are the best.


*I urge you all to sign up to get these important
and entertaining stories of our world.
Besides, it's FREE. Trust me it's worth it.




The SURFER’S EDGE A Guide To Conceptual Surfing

You can purchase The SURFER’S EDGE here

Or click on the Book Cover for more info

Click on the image to purchase your copy
Click here for my review


Click on the image to buy this book and
or to see more on KING'S X



Click on the image above to purchase
Mike's New book.